A better strategy for the cash delivery
The cash delivery is the wildcard. It seems strange that the cash delivery should be so strange. Once upon a time the cash delivery was the norm. Not only was it the norm but also it was about the only way to pay. There was the check but that was a problem for merchants in more ways than one.
With this in mind, the cash delivery is not as common, as it once was. In fact, it is downright rare unless the courier is driving for a merchant. The crew courier is more likely to see cash deliveries. This is not uncommon.
A better strategy for the cash delivery
The crew courier has the added benefit of the bank. This is a small fund that the courier receives at the beginning of the shift. The fund is for giving back change on cash deliveries. A couple of fives and ten ones is usually the bank. Most cash deliveries for hot fresh food don’t require more change than this.
Furthermore, the courier can rely on the merchant, just in case there are any issues with change, or the cargo. Respectively. This is where things differ for the solo courier. The solo courier backs the cash delivery with their own money. In a manner of speaking.
Cash deliveries do still happen, and they can also happen in an app. With this being said it is also possible to opt out of the cash delivery. Not every courier enjoys the mixture of the two forms of payment. Additionally, some couriers don’t like certain forms of payment.
With this being said, a cash delivery is a little more unique. The courier collects the payment and makes change when needed. This is for the solo courier. After these steps are complete, the courier marks the delivery complete, in the app. This ends the run.
With this in mind the new courier may be wondering how the courier gets the money delivered back to the merchant. After all, what if the courier gets another delivery? However, this is really not a problem. Because the app covers the merchant.
The courier keeps the cash collected. Then later, as the courier completes more deliveries, the difference is deducted from the total earned in the app. In this way, the courier can accept a cash only delivery from an app. As always safety is a top priority for the courier. The app will clearly identify the cash delivery, and give the courier many chances to opt out. More on the cash delivery in the next article. Stay safe out there.
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A better strategy for the cash delivery
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